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Gérard Chassard

is Technical Director and Project Developer of Asilea.

He has 40-year experience in International hydroelectric project.

Mr. Chassard worked for over 30 years for Electricité de France (EDF), where he spent several years as Head of the Design Department of EDF's International Hydraulic Division working mainly in Projects in Africa.

He acquired large experience in areas of design, construction and project management of large and small hydro projects such as the construction of 800 MW Revin hydro in France, of the 66 MW Rivière de l'Est hydro in La Réunion Island in the Indian Ocean and of the 8 MW Neaoua hydro in New Caledonia.

Mr. Chassard has a Diploma in works studies and construction and a Diploma in management from Aix en Provence, France.

Core Team

Gérard Chassard

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