"In one sentence:we are a power project development platform."
We Have Many Years of Experience in the Field
We deploy our project development and project financing expertise in power and energy projects.
We Develop for us: We originate; develop and own power & energy projects; We invest, raise funding and financing to achieve project or transaction closing. We partner with strategic partners for construction and operation management.
We develop for others: We provide project development services for third parties entities or developers.
Asilea was incorporated in the US by ex-KMR Power Corporation, AES corporation and later ex.EDF members.
Asilea, as part of the K&M team, advised Senelec (Senegal) on the 67 MW Kounoune IPP tender and PPA negotiations leading to closing and execution of the project.
Asilea advised Sierra Rutile mining in Sierra Leone to secure short, medium and long-term power
Asilea advised ECCO, part of the Zamil Group (Middle East Developer) on development and financing of utilities services companies in the Middle East including the 40,000 T/day Hadeed District Cooling Plant (DCP) in Jubail Saudi.
Asilea executed a MoU with local developer to undertake the development of the small Lily hydroelectric Project in Madagascar and undertook the development and the raising of funding.
Asilea was part of the team advising EGL in the central region of Africa in the structuring of 147 MW PPP Ruzizi 3 hydroelectric project.
Asilea was part of the K&M team undertaking on behalf of the Government the commercial, financial and technical audit of the Ambatovy Nickel Mine in Madagascar which included 120 MW power installed capacity.
Asilea Enterprise Corporation (AEC) was incorporated in the US to undertake small to medium sized scale sustainable power project development, particularly in the hydroelectric sector.
Asilea team was assigned to AEC to develop the WMD Project.
AEC acquired the Walker Mill Dam (WMD) site for rehabilitation in Schuyler Virginia, US and initiated development.
AEC completed all permitting for its WMD Project.
AEC executed the long term PPA for its WMD project with Appalachian Power (APCO) a subsidiary of AEP, a public traded utility in the US.
Asilea Managing Member and founder, Frederic Reveiz, was appointed, as part of the Power Africa team, as Lead Investment Officer at the African Development Bank (AfDB) for power private sector operation. During his time at the AfBD, Mr. Reveiz participated in the financial close of two hydro-IPPs in Africa.
AEC shareholders executed a stock purchase agreement with Rickly Hydrological Co, Inc. (Rickly), for Rickly to acquire interest in AEC.
Rickly took partial ownership on AEC. WMD project financial close was completed and construction was initiated. As part of our social responsability engagement we invested and supported a small agrobusiness in Côte d´Ivoire.
Our US new investment company, Asilea Green Corp (AGC), was incorporated and funded.
ÔMoulin SA was incorporated in France.
Acquisition of Moulin de Maurel site in Mazamet France was completed. -
WMD project was refinanced, Riclky transfered ownership and a new partner was brought. EPC to complete was executed with Littoral Power Systems Inc.(LPS).
Acquisition of Moulin de la Terrièré hydro site was completed.
Agreement to acquire Harris Bridge Hydro site in Virginia was executed. -
WMD is under construction.
Derek Martin joined as partner of Asilea´s group and as board member.
Guillaume Charon joined Asilea´s group as partner and as board member of operations in France.
Acquisition of Harris Bridge hydro was completed.

Core Team has many years of experience in the power industry having worked for large Independent Power Producers (IPP) and Utilities, such as AES and EDF. They participated in transactions which achieved financial close, were build and entered in operation. They understand what is needed to get projects done.

Provides development services for power and energy related projects in the structuring, development, financing, construction or operation phase. Its members have particular expertise in Africa, Latina America, Europe and the USA.

Develops small to medium sized renewable energy, particularly hydro projects, mainly in the United States, but also pursue opportunities in other markets such as in France and some Latin American and African countries.

Natural Gas
Actively tracks and participates in Natural Gas markets either through its involvement in power projects or through the management of a portfolio of gas and liquefied natural gas (LNG) related stocks and indexes.
on Services
AES Corp., USA
AES Gener, Chile
Castalia, New Zealand
DBP Solar International Inc
ECCO, Saudi Arabia
Energy Central Company BSC (ECCO), Bahrain
Enertech International Inc, USA
Deloitte Consulting LLP, USA
Kharafi National Co., Saudi Arabia
K&M Advisors
Lahmeyer International GmbH, Germany
Massachusetts Water Resource Authority, USA
Nexant Inc., USA
Poole & Kent Co / Griffin Cochrane & Marshall, USA
The World Bank, USA
Titanium Resources Limited, Luxemburg
The African Development Bank (AFDB)
UEG Araucaria Ltd / Fulbright & Jaworski LLP, Brazil
TetraTech ES Inc., USA
Members of the National Hydropower Association
Littoral Power Systems Inc.
Moray Energy